

अपनेपन की मिशाल
जिसके ना होने पर
खुद के वजूद का ना रहना
तमाम मुश्किलों के रहने पर भी
इक मार्गदर्शक की तरह
हमेशा हमारे साथ रहना
जिसकी इक मुस्कुराहट से
दुनिया की तमाम ख़ुशियों का मिल जाना
बच्चों की चहेती
प्यार की देवी
अपनेपन का एहसास कराने वाली
दुनिया में कदम रखने के बाद
वह पहला रिश्ता होती है


Are you a writer?

One line always comes on my mind from the book ” This is not your story” written by Ms. Savi Sharma,

” Sometimes, you do not write your story, it writes you.
You don’t choose your story, it chooses you.”

This line says a lot about a writer who is always within us only the difference is we never give attention to get it professionally. During a talk with others, we try to narrate some incidents to them which becomes our story for them. Life is full of journey, some give good or bad moments but in the end, it gives us memories that come on our mind and give us lessons from such stories.
Therefore, never think that your existence is nothing everything is hidden just need to find it and try to write your story. Maybe your story can change someone’s life.
So be a writer of your life.

Happy reading.

With love,
Abhishek Kumar